Interviewers: Eric Covey and Gavin Benke
Location: Kreuz Market, 619 N Colorado St, Lockhart, TX 78644
This interview was originally produced through a collaborative effort of the American Studies Department at the University of Texas at Austin, The Central Texas Barbecue Association, and The Southern Foodways Alliance.
It is shared with Foodways Texas as part of a collaboration with the Southern Foodways Alliance to document food stories in Texas.
Born in 1945, Rick Schmidt grew up with his brother and sister in Kreuz’s, their father’s meat market. Well over 100 years old, Kreuz Market fits firmly in the tradition of central Texas German meat markets that evolved into barbecue restaurants over time.
Today, Kreuz has evolved even further, with Rick at the helm. Situated in Lockhart, the town designated the Barbecue Capital of Texas, Kreuz now occupies a new and roomy building, while Smitty’s, owned by Rick’s sister Nina, runs from the original location. Rick connects past and present, tracing the history of knives chained to the tables, hot sauce being brought in by Hispanic customers, and why his menu got a little larger when he moved locations.